EPA Denies Sell Through in Final Rule
HPBA received news last week —just prior to the opening of the 2020 HPBExpo – that EPA’s Final Rule addressing sell-through was finalized and made available online. To our great disappointment, the Final Rule does not include sell-through for any covered product category.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Impacts
HPBA is aware of the impact of coronavirus closures on retailers, especially those who may still have Step 1 products in stock. As business (and even state governments) are limiting commercial operating hours, HPBA will be reaching out to Congress to urge relief due to these exceptional circumstances. It may be possible to get additional time for product sell-through, but we need your immediate help in order to do so.
What You Need to Do
Send an email to Rachel Feinstein (Feinstein@hpba.org) by 3:00 pm EDT Thursday, March 19 with the following information:
How many Step 1 stoves you have left
Store location(s)
How many employees you have
What plans/sales have been disrupted
Unless and until any extension is passed, the legal deadline remains May 15, 2020.