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New U.S. Federal Law Impacts Licensing for Spouses of Military Personnel

A new law was enacted recently that impacts a small group of Americans: spouses of military personnel who have an occupational license whose spouse is relocated due to a permanent change of duty station to another state.

Over 34 percent of military spouses work in fields that require a state license in order to practice. These spouses are often required to recertify and pay to recertify this license every time they move between states with their spouse. The law directs the Secretary of Defense to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Council of State Governments to assist with funding the development of interstate compacts on licensed occupations. This will alleviate the burden associated with relicensing in such an occupation by spouse of a members of the armed forces in connection with a permanent change of duty station of members to another state.

If you are impacted by this new law, we want to know. Please contact Rachel Feinstein.

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