Back to Barbecue Day is May 23 – How You Can Take Part
May is National Barbecue Month and, with COVID-19, this year’s is like no other. With that in mind, we are launching a promotion we hope will encourage loyalty to your business now and in the future.
This year, we’re launching the first “Back to Barbecue Day” on Saturday, May 23. It will be a national call for home cooks to celebrate the official beginning of grilling season with the largest virtual barbecue cookout by cooking in their backyards. Just because we can’t be together doesn’t mean we are apart. With Back to Barbecue Day, our love for grilling will unite us.
Throughout May, HPBA will help build anticipation and participation in Back to Barbecue Day by encouraging consumers to take an online pledge to cook out on May 23.
We have developed a tool kit for you to use as you choose to promote Back to Barbecue day to your customers. It features a press release template, blogs and several social media posts to share on your own channels. You can also visit HPBA social media pages on Facebook and Instagram to share our posts.
Remember, always use the hashtag #WhyIGrill, #NationalBarbecueMonth and #BacktoBarbecue.
If your store is open or you are offering curbside service, we hope these materials will be helpful in driving traffic. If your store remains closed, we hope it creates more awareness and loyalty with your audiences when you open.
Finally, we want to share videos from retailers throughout the month encouraging customers to take the pledge, participate in Back to Barbecue day and visit their stores as they reopen.
We would love to share a video from you as we celebrate and spotlight retailers. Please email a 30-60 second video shot from your phone featuring:
Your name and city/state
Name and description of your store
Encourage people to pledge to cook out May 23
You can also share this video as a Facebook live or Instagram story on your own channels.
Thank you as always, and we hope this year’s National Barbecue Month is the best it can be.